Les libertés et les droits
en Tunisie,
berceau du printemps arabe
Photo emblématique du bâtiment du Parlement tunisien barricadé par des véhicules militaires, un jour après le coup d’État de Kais Saied du 25 juillet 2021, qui a suspendu le Parlement et limogé le gouvernement.
Actualités en direct
Derniers articles

Victimes des violations des droits
Note: This list is constantly being updated due to the continued expansion of the circle of repression in the country.
Rapports spéciaux
Élections 2024 : Kais Saied pose des « verrous électoraux » et élimine la plupart de ses concurrents.
La Tunisie vit une élection présidentielle (2024) sombre et une atmosphère terne en raison des restrictions juridiques et politiques et des poursuites judiciaires à l’encontre des concurrents de Kais Saied – l’actuel président – à la présidence.
Toutes les formes de restrictions ont affecté le climat électoral, teinté de peur et d’incertitude, ce qui a affecté le déroulement du processus électoral et son intégrité et a conduit à l’exclusion d’un certain nombre de candidats importants.
Appelez à la libération de Rached Ghannouchi et des autres prisonniers politiques.
Découvrez les crimes de Leïla Jaffel contre le système judiciaire.
Qui est Kais Saied, l'homme qui a détruit une démocratie naissante ?
Dernier président légitime du Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature
Nous sommes un groupe de Tunisiennes et Tunisiens défendant les droits de l’homme et les acquis de la révolution de 2011. Nous aspirons à défendre tous les Tunisiennes et Tunisiens et à leur permettre d’exercer leurs droits et de prévenir toute violation de leur liberté.

Action en justice

International cases
March 22nd, 2023
The families of a number of detainees, including Issa, submitted a request to the UK Government asking for sanctions to be imposed on Kais Saied (President of the Republic of Tunisia, Head of State, Head of Government and Commander-in-chief of the Tunisian Armed Forces, 23 October 2019 – present); Ridha Gharsallaoui (Former Acting Interior Minister, 29 July 2021 – 11 October 2021); Taoufik Charfeddine (Interior Minister, 11 October 2021 – 18 March 2023); Kamel Feki (Interior Minister, 18 March – present); Leïla Jaffel (Justice Minister, 11 October 2021 – present); and Imed Memmich (Minister of National Defense, 11 October 2021 – present).
The sanctions request was made on behalf of: Noureddine Bhiri, Judge Bechir Akremi, Said Ferjani MP, Ghazi Chaouachi, Issam Chebbi, Chaima Issa, Ridha Belhaj, Rached Ghannouchi, and the deceased opposition party member Ridha Bouzayene.
April 26th, 2023
An application for sanctions was filed at the EU.
May 25th, 2023
A statement by the families stated that “Tunisia is one of only six African countries that have fully signed up to the African Court. This means that individuals from Tunisia can make direct applications to the court. The African court has jurisdiction to deal with all cases and disputes submitted to it involving allegations of human rights abuses… The application asked for urgent provisional measures to be granted ordering the immediate release of the detainees, and for the Tunisian Government to provide the detainees with medical care and full access to their legal teams. For the deceased individual, the application asked for a ruling that there is an investigation into his death and that all the evidence is preserved. Decisions by the court are binding.”
The African Court filing was made on behalf of the family members of political prisoners Noureddine Bhiri, Bechir Akremi; lSaid Ferjani, Ghazi Chaouachi, Ridha Belhaj, Chaima Issa, Issam Chebbi and Rached Ghannouchi as well as the family of Ridha Bouzayene, who was killed at the hands of the police after his arrest during a demonstration in January 2022.
September 1st, 2023
The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights called on the Tunisian government to “take urgent measures regarding 4 political detainees in Tunisia, in relation to the conditions of their detention in prison”, including Noureddine Bhiri.” The African Court called, in a statement published by several Arab and international websites, to remove all barriers that prevent 4 Tunisian political detainees from communicating with their families, lawyers, and doctors of their choice,” and to inform the detainees, their families, and their lawyers of the reasons for their detention, specifically providing “sufficient information and facts related to the legal and factual basis for the detention.”
October 5th, 2023
An article 15 complaint was filed at the International Criminal Court in The Hague asking for an investigation to be opened into the alleged crimes committed by the Tunisian Government – directed by Kais Saied – against civilians throughout society, in particular opposition leaders and parties, Black Tunisians and migrants, judges, trade unions, journalists and civil society.
The case was submitted on behalf of the family members of Chaima Issa as well as Rached Ghannouchi, Said Ferjani, Ghazi Chaouachi, and Noureddine Bhiri. The application also called for an investigation into the death of Ridha Bouzayene. The communication asked the prosecutor to investigate the following suspects: President Kais Saied; current Interior Minister Kamel Feki; former Interior Minister Taoufik Charfeddine; Justice Minister Leïla Jaffel; Minister of National Defense Imed Memmich, and the heads of the army and the Garde Nationale.

Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture
Les routes de la torture vol n°3 : le rétrécissement de l’espace civique et son impact sur les personnes en déplacement en Tunisie
Ce rapport de l’Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture présente un aperçu des violations des droits de l’homme commises entre mai et octobre 2024 à l’encontre des migrants et des mesures administratives et judiciaires prises à l’encontre des organisations de la société civile et des défenseurs des droits de l’homme qui aident les personnes en déplacement.
Consultez le rapport complet.
Ammnesty International
Les routes de la torture vol n°3 : le rétrécissement de l’espace civique et son impact sur les personnes en déplacement en Tunisie
Ce rapport de l’Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture présente un aperçu des violations des droits de l’homme commises entre mai et octobre 2024 à l’encontre des migrants et des mesures administratives et judiciaires prises à l’encontre des organisations de la société civile et des défenseurs des droits de l’homme qui aident les personnes en déplacement.